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Reiki Meditation for Peace in Ukraine

Amazing Reiki Meditation for Peace in Ukraine

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Reiki Meditation for Peace in Ukraine aims to restore peace throughout Ukraine so that the population can resume their normal life.

Thus, all those who want to establish and maintain peace in Ukraine can perform this Reiki meditation

The more people involved at the same time, the stronger the effects of meditation.

This Reiki Meditation is supported from a distance by the initiating Reiki Masters.

For maximum meditation efficiency it is recommended that it start at  local time Kiev, Ukraine 5.30 am or 3:30 GMT. But one can start meditation at other times as everyone can.

The recommended duration is 30 minutes daily. But those who wish can continue meditation for up to 2 hours daily.

Reiki Masters and Level Two Reiki Practitioners can apply Reiki treatments remotely to the territory of Ukraine using known Reiki techniques and symbols.

How to do Reiki Meditation for Peace in Ukraine.

Choose a comfortable meditation position (seiza position, sitting on a chair or lying on your back).

A short global relaxation is made and all negative thoughts are eliminated, especially thoughts of revolt or hatred and a positive attitude is adopted.

In this regard, it should be noted that negative thoughts greatly weaken the effectiveness of meditation.

View the map of Ukraine on Google Map.

The intention is to establish and maintain peace in Ukraine.

You enter the meditation and visualize a bright white peace wave coming from above and covering the entire territory of Ukraine.

You gradually returns to waking state in the end of the Reiki Meditation for Peace in Ukraine.

To increase the effectiveness of meditation, it is advisable to let this Reiki video run.