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Empower Your Healing Power Discovering The Reiki Colors Meaning

The Reiki Colors Meaning

The meaning of the Reiki colors represents a captivating realm of energies and symbolism that adds depth to the Reiki healing practice.

In this article, we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Reiki colors by delving into their meanings and exploring how they can be harnessed to enhance our connection with healing energies.

Table of Contents

The Role of Colors in Reiki Practices    

Colors play a significant role in Reiki practices, as they hold unique vibrations and energies that can influence the healing process. Different colors are associated with specific qualities and emotions, making them valuable tools for Reiki practitioners.

By understanding the meaning of each color, especially the seven colors corresponding to the 7 main chakras, as well as additional colors such as white, pink, gold and silver, we can harness the transformative power of light energy. Incorporating color therapy techniques into our Reiki practice allows us to amplify the healing experience, balance the energy centers and promote overall well-being.

The Colors of Chakra

There are several Chakra systems, but the most used is the 7 Chakra system.

There are several Chakra systems, but the most used is the 7 Chakra system.

Each Chakra corresponds to a predominant color and certain main characteristics.

The predominant colors and the main characteristics of the chakras have been established since ancient times by yogic sages following their practical observations and revelations.

The seven chakras and their predominant colors and characteristics are as follows:

Root Chakra: Red, Grounding and Vitality

Sacral Chakra: Orange, Creativity and Passion

Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow, Personal Power and Confidence

Heart Chakra: Green, Love and Compassion

Throat Chakra: Blue, Communication and Expression

Third Eye Chakra: Indigo, Intuition and Insight

Crown Chakra: Violet, Spirituality and Connection

Red Reiki Color  

The color red holds powerful symbolism in Reiki practices, representing energy, vitality, and grounding. It is believed to have a stimulating and invigorating effect on the body and mind.

Meanings and Associations

Red is associated with the root chakra, which governs our sense of stability, security, and physical well-being. It is connected to our primal instincts, survival, and the basic need for sustenance. The color red is often seen as a symbol of strength, courage, and passion.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, red color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Red energy) that stimulates and revitalizes the physical body. Red energy increases energy levels, enhances motivation, and promotes action. Red energy is also associated with increased circulation, providing warmth and nourishment to the body’s cells.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The red Reiki color helps individuals overcome feelings of lethargy, apathy, or stagnation. It can ignite passion, motivation, and determination, helping to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Red energy enhances self-confidence and courage, empowering individuals to assert themselves and take bold steps.

Healing Applications

Red energy can be utilized in Reiki practices to support physical vitality, improve overall energy levels, and promote a sense of grounding. It can aid in the healing of physical ailments related to circulation, vitality, and endurance. Additionally, the red Reiki color can assist in releasing stagnant energy and invigorating the root chakra.


Incorporating the red Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on the body, mind, and spirit. It is energizing and grounding qualities make it a valuable tool for enhancing vitality, motivation, and courage. By working with red energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in their journey towards balance, strength, and well-being.

Orange Reiki Color

The orange color holds significant meaning in Reiki practices, representing creativity, enthusiasm, and emotional balance. It is associated with the sacral chakra, which governs our emotions, creativity, and relationships.

Meanings and Associations

Orange is often seen as a symbol of joy, warmth, and vitality. It is linked to our ability to express ourselves creatively, connect with our emotions, and experience pleasure in life. The color orange is associated with passion, enthusiasm, and a zest for life.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, orange color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Orange energy) that stimulates the flow of emotions, enhance creativity, and promote a sense of emotional balance. Orange energy activates the sacral chakra, supporting the free expression of emotions, nurturing healthy relationships, and fostering a positive outlook on life.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The orange Reiki color is believed to help individuals tap into their creative potential, inspiring innovative thinking and problem-solving. It can also assist in managing and balancing emotions, promoting a sense of joy, and uplifting the spirit. Orange energy is thought to encourage enthusiasm, motivation, and a sense of adventure.

Healing Applications

In Reiki practices, the orange color can be utilized to address emotional imbalances, stimulate creativity, and enhance self-expression. Orange energy supports healing in areas related to relationships, sensuality, and emotional well-being. Orange energy can also help individuals overcome feelings of stagnation or lack of inspiration.


Incorporating the orange Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on emotional well-being, creativity, and overall vitality. Its association with joy, enthusiasm, and emotional balance makes it a valuable tool for nurturing the expressive and creative aspects of our being. By working with orange energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in embracing their emotions, cultivating creativity, and fostering a harmonious connection with themselves and others.

Yellow Reiki Color  

The yellow color holds great significance in Reiki practices, symbolizing personal power, intellect, and mental clarity. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which governs our sense of identity, confidence, and personal empowerment.

Meanings and Associations

Yellow is often associated with sunshine, warmth, and brightness. It represents optimism, clarity of thought, and a strong sense of self. The color yellow is linked to intellect, knowledge, and the power of the mind.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, yellow color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Yellow energy) that stimulates mental activity, promotes clarity, and enhances personal power. Yellow energy activates the solar plexus chakra, fostering self-confidence, assertiveness, and a strong sense of purpose.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The yellow Reiki color is believed to support individuals in developing mental clarity, improving focus, and enhancing decision-making abilities. It can help alleviate feelings of confusion or self-doubt, fostering a sense of inner strength and empowerment. Yellow energy is also associated with optimism, joy, and a positive outlook on life.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the yellow color to support individuals in accessing their personal power, boosting self-esteem, and improving mental agility. The Yellow energy helps heal emotional wounds related to self-worth and self-identity. Yellow energy can also aid in balancing the solar plexus chakra, promoting a harmonious flow of energy in the body.


Incorporating the yellow Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on personal power, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Its association with confidence, intellect, and optimism makes it a valuable tool for enhancing mental focus, decision-making, and self-empowerment. By working with Yellow energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in embracing their personal strengths, cultivating mental clarity, and manifesting their desires.

Green Reiki Color   

The green color holds deep symbolism in Reiki practices, representing love, compassion, and harmony. It is associated with the heart chakra, which governs our emotions, relationships, and the capacity to give and receive love.

Meanings and Associations

Green is often associated with nature, growth, and renewal. It symbolizes balance, healing, and abundance. The color green is linked to feelings of love, empathy, and nurturing.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, green color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Green energy) that promotes emotional healing, restores balance, and activates the heart chakra. Green energy facilitates the flow of love, compassion, and forgiveness. Green energy is also associated with growth, vitality, and a deep connection to nature.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The green Reiki color helps individuals open their hearts, cultivate love and compassion, and experience emotional healing. It can assist in fostering forgiveness, empathy, and a sense of interconnectedness with others and the world. Green energy is also known for its calming and soothing effects on the mind, promoting inner peace and harmony.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the green color to support individuals in healing emotional wounds, fostering loving relationships, and cultivating self-acceptance. Green energy helps in releasing emotional blockages and promoting a sense of emotional well-being. Green energy can also aid in balancing the heart chakra, facilitating a healthy flow of love and compassion.


Incorporating the green Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on emotional healing, love, and overall harmony. Its association with love, compassion, and growth makes it a valuable tool for nurturing relationships, fostering self-love, and promoting emotional balance. By working with green energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in embracing their capacity for love, experiencing healing, and cultivating harmonious connections.

Blue Reiki Color 

The blue color holds profound meaning in Reiki practices, representing communication, calmness, and inner peace. It is associated with the throat chakra, which governs self-expression, communication, and the ability to speak one’s truth.

Meanings and Associations

Blue is often associated with serenity, tranquility, and clarity. It symbolizes open communication, honesty, and deep introspection. The color blue is linked to qualities of trust, loyalty, and spiritual expansion.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, blue color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Blue energy) that enhances communication, promotes calmness, and activates the throat chakra. Blue energy facilitates the expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a clear and authentic manner. Blue energy is also associated with spiritual insight and deepening one’s connection to intuition.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The blue Reiki color helps individuals express themselves with clarity and confidence. It can promote active listening, enhance communication skills, and foster harmonious relationships. Blue energy is known for its calming effects on the mind, promoting a sense of peace, serenity, and mental clarity.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the blue color to support individuals in enhancing communication, soothing anxiety, and cultivating inner peace. It is believed to assist in healing issues related to self-expression, such as fear of speaking up or difficulty in asserting one’s needs. Blue energy can also aid in balancing the throat chakra, allowing for authentic expression and alignment with one’s true purpose.


Incorporating the blue Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on communication, calmness, and inner peace. Its association with clarity, serenity, and self-expression makes it a valuable tool for fostering effective communication, reducing stress, and deepening spiritual connection. By working with blue energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in finding their voice, cultivating peace of mind, and embracing their authentic selves.

Indigo Reiki Color

The indigo color holds significant meaning in Reiki practices, symbolizing intuition, spiritual awareness, and inner wisdom. It is associated with the third eye chakra, which governs our perception, intuition, and connection to higher consciousness.

Meanings and Associations

Indigo is often associated with deep spirituality, introspection, and psychic abilities. It represents a profound connection to the spiritual realm, inner knowing, and intuitive insights. The color indigo is linked to wisdom, intuition, and spiritual awakening.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, indigo color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Indigo energy) that enhances intuition, expands spiritual awareness, and activates the third eye chakra. Indigo energy facilitates the development of psychic abilities, inner guidance, and a deeper understanding of one’s life purpose. Indigo energy is also associated with clarity of perception and heightened spiritual insights.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The indigo Reiki energy helps individuals trust their intuition, access higher wisdom, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. It can assist in fostering a sense of clarity, insight, and inner peace. Indigo energy is known for its transformative effects on the mind, promoting spiritual growth and expanded consciousness.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the indigo color to support individuals in developing their intuition, deepening their spiritual connection, and accessing inner wisdom. Indigo energy assists in healing issues related to self-doubt, limited beliefs, and a lack of spiritual understanding. Indigo energy can also aid in balancing the third eye chakra, promoting clarity of perception and alignment with higher guidance.


Incorporating the indigo Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on intuition, spiritual awareness, and inner wisdom. Its association with deep spirituality, intuitive insights, and expanded consciousness makes it a valuable tool for personal growth, spiritual development, and accessing higher guidance. By working with indigo energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in awakening their inner wisdom, deepening their connection to the divine, and embracing their spiritual journey.

Violet Reiki Color   

The violet color holds deep significance in Reiki practices, representing spirituality, transformation, and higher consciousness. It is associated with the crown chakra, which governs our connection to the divine, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment.

Meanings and Associations

Violet is often associated with spiritual growth, transformation, and the integration of body, mind, and spirit. It symbolizes divine wisdom, cosmic awareness, and the highest levels of consciousness. The color violet is linked to qualities of spirituality, enlightenment, and deep spiritual connection.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, violet color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Violet energy) that facilitates spiritual transformation, expands consciousness, and activates the crown chakra. Violet energy assists in connecting with higher realms, receiving divine guidance, and experiencing a sense of oneness with the universe. Violet energy is also associated with spiritual insight and accessing higher states of awareness.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The violet Reiki color is believed to help individuals experience profound spiritual growth, inner peace, and a deep sense of connection to the divine. It can assist in releasing limiting beliefs, expanding consciousness, and embracing one’s true spiritual nature. Violet energy is known for its calming and uplifting effects on the mind, fostering a sense of spiritual harmony and enlightenment.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the violet color to support individuals in their spiritual journey, facilitate transformation, and awaken higher consciousness. Violet energy assists in healing issues related to spiritual disconnection, lack of purpose, and limited perspective. Violet energy can also aid in balancing the crown chakra, promoting spiritual alignment and a deep connection to the divine.


Incorporating the violet Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on spirituality, transformation, and higher consciousness. Its association with spiritual growth, enlightenment, and deep connection to the divine makes it a valuable tool for expanding consciousness, embracing spiritual wisdom, and experiencing profound transformation. By working with violet energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in their spiritual evolution, awakening their higher selves, and embracing the beauty of the divine.

Additional Colors in Reiki and Their Significance

The most popular additional Reiki colors are: white, pink, gold and silver.

Some Reiki practitioners use other additional colors as well as different shades of the colors mentioned in this article.

A certain shade of a main or additional color amplifies more in the recipient’s body and aura a certain characteristic of that color.

White: Pure Energy and Spiritual Cleansing

Pink: Unconditional Love and Emotional Healing

Gold and Silver: Divine Connection and Higher Consciousness

White Reiki Color

The white color holds profound significance in Reiki practices, symbolizing purity, divine light, and spiritual cleansing. It is often associated with the crown chakra, representing the highest levels of consciousness and spiritual connection.

Meanings and Associations

White is commonly associated with purity, clarity, and divine energy. It symbolizes the presence of pure light, spiritual awakening, and the integration of body, mind, and spirit. The color white is linked to qualities of spiritual purity, enlightenment, and the divine essence.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, white facilitates resonance with an energy (known as White energy) that carries a high vibrational frequency, promoting spiritual purity, healing, and spiritual connection. White energy cleanses and purifies the energetic field, releasing negative energy and facilitating spiritual growth. White energy is also associated with clarity of thought and alignment with divine guidance.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The white Reiki color brings clarity, peace, and serenity to the emotional and mental realms. It can assist in clearing emotional blockages, promoting a sense of purity, and inviting spiritual insights. White energy is known for its calming and soothing effects, fostering a state of inner peace and mental clarity.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the white color to support individuals in their spiritual journey, promote energetic cleansing, and invite divine healing energy. White energy assists in healing issues related to spiritual stagnation, energetic imbalances, and disconnection from the divine. White energy can also aid in balancing the crown chakra, allowing for a deeper connection to spiritual realms.


Incorporating the white Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on purity, spiritual connection, and energetic cleansing. Its association with divine light, clarity, and serenity makes it a valuable tool for spiritual purification, healing, and alignment. By working with white energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in their spiritual evolution, inviting the divine presence, and experiencing the transformative power of spiritual purity.

Pink Reiki Color     

The pink color holds deep significance in Reiki practices, representing love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is often associated with the heart chakra, which governs our ability to give and receive love, foster compassion, and experience emotional well-being.

Meanings and Associations

Pink is commonly associated with love, tenderness, and nurturing energy. It symbolizes unconditional love, compassion, and the healing power of the heart. The color pink is linked to qualities of empathy, emotional healing, and harmonious relationships.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, pink color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Pink energy) that carries a gentle and nurturing vibration, promoting emotional healing, self-love, and compassion towards oneself and others. Pink energy opens the heart chakra, fostering forgiveness, empathy, and deep emotional connection. Pink energy is also associated with soothing and calming effects on the emotional body.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The pink Reiki color supports individuals in healing emotional wounds, fostering self-acceptance, and cultivating loving relationships. It can assist in releasing emotional blockages, promoting emotional balance, and inviting a sense of inner peace. Pink energy is known for its ability to uplift the spirit, enhance feelings of joy, and foster a sense of emotional well-being.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners use the Pink energy to support individuals in their emotional healing journey, promote self-love, and cultivate compassionate energy. Pink energy assists in healing issues related to past emotional traumas, fostering forgiveness, and embracing unconditional love. Pink energy can also aid in balancing the heart chakra, allowing for a deeper connection to love and emotional healing.


Incorporating the pink Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on love, compassion, and emotional well-being. Its association with nurturing energy, emotional healing, and harmonious relationships makes it a valuable tool for cultivating self-love, healing emotional wounds, and fostering deep connections with others. By working with pink energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in their emotional healing journey, inviting love and compassion into their lives.

Gold Reiki Color 

The gold color holds profound significance in Reiki practices, symbolizing wisdom, abundance, and spiritual awakening. It is often associated with the solar plexus chakra, representing personal power, manifestation, and inner strength.

Meanings and Associations

Gold is commonly associated with wisdom, prosperity, and spiritual illumination. It symbolizes divine light, abundance, and the highest levels of consciousness. The color gold is linked to qualities of spiritual awakening, inner strength, and divine guidance.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, gold color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Gold energy) that carries a powerful and transformative vibration, promoting spiritual growth, manifestation, and personal empowerment. Gold energy activates the solar plexus chakra, enhancing confidence, self-worth, and the ability to manifest one’s desires. Gold energy is also associated with accessing spiritual wisdom and guidance.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The gold Reiki color supports individuals in cultivating inner strength, self-confidence, and a deep sense of abundance. It can assist in releasing limiting beliefs, fostering a positive mindset, and inviting prosperity into one’s life. Gold energy is known for its uplifting and inspiring effects on the emotions and mind, promoting a sense of purpose and alignment with one’s spiritual path.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the gold color to support individuals in their spiritual awakening, enhance manifestation abilities, and invite abundance into their lives. It is believed to assist in healing issues related to self-esteem, abundance blocks, and spiritual stagnation. Gold energy can also aid in balancing the solar plexus chakra, allowing for the empowerment of personal will and the realization of one’s potential.


Incorporating the gold Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on wisdom, abundance, and spiritual awakening. Its association with spiritual illumination, manifestation, and inner strength makes it a valuable tool for personal empowerment, manifestation, and spiritual growth. By working with gold energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in their spiritual journey, awakening their inner wisdom, and experiencing the transformative power of abundance.

Silver Reiki Color 

The silver color holds significant symbolism in Reiki practices, representing intuition, reflection, and emotional balance. It is often associated with the third eye chakra, which governs our intuitive abilities, inner vision, and spiritual insight.

Meanings and Associations

Silver is commonly associated with intuition, reflection, and the lunar energy. It symbolizes fluidity, adaptability, and the power of reflection. The color silver is linked to qualities of inner wisdom, emotional balance, and heightened perception.

Energetic Properties

In Reiki, silver color facilitates resonance with an energy (known as Silver energy) that carries a gentle and intuitive vibration, promoting clarity of thought, emotional balance, and spiritual awareness. Silver energy activates the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition, inner vision, and the ability to perceive subtle energies. Silver energy is also associated with reflective and receptive qualities.

Emotional and Mental Impact

The silver Reiki color supports individuals in cultivating emotional balance, intuitive insights, and a deeper understanding of oneself. It can assist in releasing emotional patterns, fostering introspection, and promoting self-discovery. Silver energy is known for its calming and harmonizing effects on the emotions and mind, promoting a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Healing Applications

Reiki practitioners utilize the silver color to support individuals in their intuitive development, emotional healing, and inner reflection. Silver energy assists in healing issues related to emotional turmoil, enhancing intuition, and connecting with one’s higher self. Silver energy can also aid in balancing the third eye chakra, allowing for enhanced spiritual perception and intuitive guidance.


Incorporating the silver Reiki color into healing sessions can have a profound impact on intuition, reflection, and emotional balance. Its association with intuitive wisdom, emotional harmony, and inner reflection makes it a valuable tool for deepening one’s spiritual connection, cultivating inner wisdom, and embracing emotional well-being. By working with silver energy, Reiki practitioners can support individuals in their journey of self-discovery, intuition, and spiritual growth.

How Colors are Used in Reiki Practice

In Reiki, color therapy is integrated to enhance the flow of life force energy, or “ki,” through the body, aura and energy centers, known as chakras. By working with the appropriate colors, Reiki practitioners can increase the intensity of restoring the balance of harmony and vitality to the recipient of the healing.

The colors can be visualized, used in meditation, or incorporated into healing tools such as crystals, candles, or color therapy.

The use of colors in Reiki practice is done in several ways.

The most popular ways of using colors in reiki practice are the following:

Color visualization

This procedure involves visualizing a certain color during the healing session.

Color bath

This procedure involves the physical illumination of the healing recipient’s body with light of a certain color during the Reiki session.

Color-Charged Objects

Using this technique, objects such as crystals, fabrics or colored water can be infused with the energy of a particular color and placed near the recipient during a session.

Color meditation

Color meditation involves doing a meditation with a certain color before starting the Reiki session.

Final words

By incorporating the understanding of Reiki colors into their practice, practitioners can create a harmonious and nurturing environment that promotes healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Understanding the Reiki colors’ meaning enhances the depth and intentionality of the healing experience, helping to restore balance, promote well-being, and facilitate the flow of life force energy during Reiki sessions.