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Chose Crystals

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Crystals

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Chose Crystals

Welcome to “The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Crystals.” In this comprehensive article, we delve deep into the enchanting world of crystals, offering you a treasure trove of insights and practical wisdom. Whether you’re a seasoned crystal enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our guide will illuminate the path to selecting the perfect crystals for your needs. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the healing, spiritual, and transformative potential that these magnificent gems hold. Discover how to make the most informed and best choices on your crystal journey as we unveil the secrets to selecting the best crystals that resonate with your needs.

Table of Contents

1. Unearthing Crystal Usage Origins

The earliest records documenting the mystical properties of precious gemstones originate from the ancient Egyptian era. A portion of these ancient texts, carefully encoded by Egyptian magicians onto papyrus scrolls, remains conserved in diverse locations.

In Eastern cultures as well, encrypted writings have been unearthed, revealing insights into the properties of precious stones employed in various mystical rituals and enchantments.

2. Researching the Effects of Crystals

Experimentally, it has been proven that crystals or precious metals has not only an aesthetic role, but also a healing one.

At certain times, many individuals have experienced the sensation that certain pieces of cristals or precious metals evoke a sense of positivity and well-being, whereas others, despite their appeal, elicit a slightly discomforting and seemingly unexplainable state.

If we know how to choose them, crystals can transform our lives.

Current investigations in the realm of crystals and valuable gemstones have affirmed their influences, yet have been unable to establish universally accepted rational justifications.

3. An Explanation of Characteristic Effects of Stones

An esoteric theory suggests that stones contain ancient energy within their structure, a reservoir of primordial energy dating back to their formation deep within the Earth. This energy emanates outward with a unique and subtle frequency that harmonizes with their distinct crystalline composition.

4. The Importance of Choosing the Right Crystal

Crystals are not merely ornamental trinkets; they are conduits of energy, each possessing a unique vibrational frequency. These frequencies can interact with our own energy fields, influencing our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Therefore, the process of selecting a crystal becomes a pivotal step in realizing the benefits they offer.

Energy Alignment

Selecting the right crystal allows alignment of personal energy with the crystal’s properties. Crystals come in various types, each with distinct healing attributes. For instance, amethyst exudes calming energy, while citrine radiates abundance and positivity. By carefully choosing a crystal that resonates with their intentions, individuals can harness its power to manifest their desires.

Spiritual Connection

Crystals also play a vital role in enhancing one’s spiritual journey. Clear quartz, known as the “master healer,” amplifies one’s spiritual connection and intuition. By selecting crystals attuned to their spiritual goals, individuals can deepen their practice and explore new dimensions of consciousness.

The Art of Selection

Choosing the right crystal is an art that requires careful consideration. It involves assessing one’s goals and intentions and then matching them with the inherent properties of the crystal. This is largely an intuitive process that is often based on personal resonance and attraction.

Quality Matters

Quality is crucial when choosing a crystal. Flaws or impurities can affect a crystal’s energy and effectiveness. Examining a crystal closely is essential to ensure that it best aligns with your intentions.

5. Top Crystal Selection Methods

The main methods of examining crystals are physical, intuitive and those based on the esoteric properties of crystals.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that for effective crystal selection, a blend of these methods should be employed.

5.1. Physical Methods. How to Physically Examine Crystals

Physically examining crystals allows you to delve deeper into their world. It’s a experience that goes beyond appearances. By holding a crystal in your hand, you establish an immediate connection, feeling its energy resonate with your own.

Roughness, cracks and shapes

The physical methods of crystal selection involve the visual and tactile investigation of the crystals in order to identify the roughness, possible cracks, or inadequate shapes, or obvious and unwanted impurities.

Gently running your fingers over a crystal’s surface and its visual examination can reveal its texture (roughness), possible cracks, or inadequate shapes, and even subtle vibrations. This combined examination often provides insight into the crystal’s properties.

Crystals with smooth faces, without cracks and with harmonious shapes are preferable.

Color and Clarity

A crystal’s color and clarity offer vital clues about its composition and energetic potential. Clear quartz, for instance, is prized for its purity, while amethyst’s purple hue signifies its calming and spiritual properties. Examining these visual aspects can help you select the right crystal for your needs

Inclusions and Flaws

A close inspection of a crystal’s surface may reveal inclusions or flaws. While some inclusions, like rainbows or phantoms, enhance a crystal’s beauty and energy, others may affect its integrity. Understanding these characteristics is crucial for making informed choices.

5.2. Methods Based on The Esoteric Properties of Crystals. The Color of Crystals and Their Healing Qualities

Esoteric methods transcend the ordinary, tapping into the mystical dimensions of crystals. They offer a unique pathway to connect with the universe, deepen your spiritual practice, and explore the untapped reservoirs of energy within these enchanting stones.


5.2.1. Red Crystals: Symbols of Passion and Vitality

Red crystals, with their vibrant and fiery hues, hold a special place in the world of gemstones.

Energizing and Vitalizing

Red crystals, such as Red Jasper and Carnelian, are renowned for their ability to energize and invigorate. They serve as powerful tools to combat lethargy and enhance physical vitality. Keeping a red crystal nearby can provide a natural energy boost, making them ideal companions for busy days.

Boosting Confidence and Courage

Red crystals are often associated with qualities like confidence and courage. They encourage us to overcome challenges and face our fears head-on. Carrying or wearing a red crystal can instill a sense of inner strength, helping us tackle obstacles with determination and resilience.

Passion and Creativity

These crystals are also linked to passion and creativity. They ignite the creative fire within, making them valuable for artists, writers, and anyone looking to tap into their imaginative and passionate side. Red crystals can be a source of inspiration and motivation.

Grounding and Stability

In addition to their fiery qualities, red crystals have grounding properties. They help us stay rooted in the present moment, providing stability and a sense of security. When life feels chaotic, working with red crystals can bring a much-needed sense of balance.

The Activated Chakra

Red crystals primarily activate the Root Chakra, also known as the Base Chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit. Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with feelings of safety, security, and stability.

By working with red crystals, you stimulate and balance the Root Chakra. This helps you establish a strong foundation in your life, both energetically and emotionally. A balanced Root Chakra provides a sense of stability, confidence, and resilience, enabling you to tackle life’s challenges with a solid footing.

The Most Famous Red Crystals

The most famous crystals with red shades are ruby, bloodstone, Red Jasper, Vanadinite, Garnet, Carnelian, Fire Opal,  Fire Agate, Hematoid Quartz, Red Calcite, Thulite, Red Aventurine, Red Phantom Quartz, Noreena Jasper, etc.

In summary, red crystals are dynamic allies for boosting energy, confidence, and creativity. By activating the Root Chakra, they provide a sense of grounding and stability, helping you navigate life’s journey with courage and passion. Incorporate the vibrant energy of red crystals into your daily life to experience their transformative effects.

5.2.2. Orange Crystals: Symbols of Creativity and Joy

Orange crystals, with their warm and vibrant hues, bring a burst of energy and positivity into the world of gemstones.

Creativity and Inspiration

Orange crystals are frequently renowned for their ability to spark creativity and inspire new ideas. They serve as catalysts for artistic endeavors, making them cherished companions for artists, writers, and anyone seeking to unlock their imaginative potential.

Positivity and Joy

These crystals radiate a joyful and positive energy. They help lift our spirits, dispel feelings of negativity, and promote a sunny outlook on life. Keeping an orange crystal close can infuse your surroundings with optimism and cheerfulness.

Motivation and Ambition

Orange crystals are known for their motivational properties. They fuel our ambition, drive, and determination, making them valuable allies when pursuing goals and overcoming obstacles. They encourage us to take action and stay committed to our endeavors.

Orange crystals are warm and welcoming and are known for their ability to improve social relationships.

Emotional Balance

Orange crystals can also assist in maintaining emotional balance. They provide a sense of inner harmony, helping us navigate complex emotions with grace and composure. These crystals can be particularly helpful during times of change or transition.

Orange Crystal
The Activated Chakra

Orange crystals primarily activate the Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit. This chakra, located in the lower abdomen, governs our emotions, creativity, and relationships.

By working with orange crystals, you stimulate and balance the Sacral Chakra. This results in enhanced emotional well-being, heightened creativity, and improved interpersonal connections. A balanced Sacral Chakra allows you to embrace life’s pleasures and navigate its challenges with grace.

The Most Famous Orange Crystals

The most famous crystals with orange hue are Orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz, Sunstone, Amber, Pech Moonstone, Orange Selenite, Tiger’s eye, Gold Stone, Spessaritite Garnet, Imperial Topaz, Aragonite, Mahogany Obsidian, Stilbite, etc.

In summary, orange crystals are vibrant allies for creativity, positivity, and motivation. By activating the Sacral Chakra, they promote emotional balance and inspire a joyful outlook on life. Incorporate the radiant energy of orange crystals into your daily routine to experience their transformative and uplifting effects.

5.2.3. Yellow Crystals: Symbols of Clarity and Optimism

Yellow crystals, with their bright and sunny presence, offer a unique energy that can illuminate our lives.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Yellow crystalsare renowned for their ability to promote mental clarity and focus. They help clear mental fog, improve decision-making, and enhance concentration. Working with yellow crystals can be particularly beneficial during challenging tasks or when seeking mental clarity

Optimism and Positivity

These crystals exude an aura of optimism and positivity. They uplift our spirits, dispel feelings of pessimism, and inspire a brighter outlook on life. Keeping a yellow crystal nearby can infuse your surroundings with an uplifting energy that encourages a positive mindset.

Personal Empowerment

Yellow crystals are often associated with personal empowerment. They boost self-confidence, motivation, and a sense of self-worth. These crystals serve as catalysts for pursuing goals, taking risks, and embracing personal growth.

Creativity and Innovation

Yellow crystals stimulate creativity and innovation. They inspire fresh ideas, encourage thinking outside the box, and foster a sense of curiosity. Creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to explore new horizons can benefit from the creative spark ignited by yellow crystals.

Nervous System, Stomach and Liver

Yellow crystals are utilized to invigorate the nervous system and manage conditions affecting the stomach and liver.

Yellow cristal
The Activated Chakra

Yellow crystals primarily activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura in Sanskrit. Located in the upper abdomen, this chakra is associated with personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.

By working with yellow crystals, you stimulate and balance the Solar Plexus Chakra. This results in increased self-assuredness, improved decision-making, and a deeper sense of empowerment. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra enables you to navigate life with confidence and grace.

The Most Famous Yellow Crystals

The most famous crystals with yellow hue are Citrine, Yellow Apatite, Orpiment, Yellow Jasper, Golden Healer, Honey Calcite, Mookaite, Fluorite, etc.

In summary, yellow crystals are radiant allies for mental clarity, positivity, and personal empowerment. By activating the Solar Plexus Chakra, they foster self-confidence and inspire a brighter outlook on life. Incorporate the uplifting energy of yellow crystals into your daily life to experience their transformative and enlightening effects.

5.2.4. Green crystals: Symbols of Healing and Prosperity

Green crystals, with their soothing and revitalizing energy, bring a sense of balance and renewal to our lives.

Heart Healing and Love

Green crystals are known for their profound connection to matters of the heart. They facilitate emotional healing, encourage self-love, and foster harmonious relationships. Keeping a green crystal close can create an atmosphere of love, compassion, and understanding.

Growth and Prosperity

These crystals are often associated with growth and prosperity. They symbolize abundance and provide a fertile ground for personal and financial growth. Placing a green crystal in your workspace or home can attract opportunities and positive energies related to prosperity.

Balance and Harmony

Green crystals radiate energies of balance and harmony. They help restore equilibrium in times of stress and turmoil, making them valuable tools for inner peace. Meditating with green crystals can lead to a sense of tranquility and emotional stability.

Healing and Vitality

Green crystals are known for their healing properties. They promote physical and emotional well-being, boost the immune system, and infuse the body with vitality. Holding or wearing a green crystal can support your overall health and energy levels.

Green Crystal
The Activated Chakra

Green crystals primarily activate the Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata in Sanskrit. Located at the center of the chest, the Heart Chakra governs matters of love, compassion, and emotional balance.

By working with green crystals, you stimulate and balance the Heart Chakra. This results in enhanced feelings of love, empathy, and connection with others. A balanced Heart Chakra allows you to give and receive love more freely, fostering healthier relationships and emotional well-being.

The Most Famous Green Crystals

The most famous crystals with green hue are Jade, Chrysocolla, Green Tourmaline, Malachite, Green Calcite, Prehnite, Green Aventurine, Serpentine, Green Opal, etc.

In summary, green crystals are nurturing allies for heart healing, growth, and harmony. By activating the Heart Chakra, they promote love, balance, and vitality. Incorporate the gentle energy of green crystals into your daily life to experience their transformative and renewing effects.

5.2.5. Blue crystals: Symbols of Serenity and Communication

Blue crystals, with their serene and calming energy, are some of the most prized crystals.

Communication and Expression

Blue crystals are celebrated for their ability to enhance communication and self-expression. They facilitate clear and honest dialogue, making them valuable tools for improving interpersonal relationships and public speaking. Carrying or wearing a blue crystal can help you find your voice and speak your truth.

Serenity and Stress Relief

These crystals exude an aura of serenity and tranquility. They help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil, providing a sense of inner peace. Meditating with a blue crystal can bring calmness to the mind and reduce mental chatter.

Intuition and Wisdom

Blue crystals are often associated with intuition and inner wisdom. They open the channels to higher knowledge and insight, making them valuable for spiritual seekers and those on a path of self-discovery. Working with blue crystals can enhance your intuitive abilities and deepen your connection to inner guidance.

Healing and Emotional Balance

Blue crystals have healing properties that extend to emotional well-being. They assist in emotional healing, promote emotional stability, and aid in the release of past traumas. Holding or wearing a blue crystal can offer comfort during times of emotional distress.

Blue crystals are known for their soothing and balancing properties, often applied in the treatment of sore throats, inflammation, and internal bleeding.

Blue Crysta
The Activated Chakra

Blue crystals primarily activate the Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit. Located at the throat, the Throat Chakra governs communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

By working with blue crystals, you stimulate and balance the Throat Chakra. This results in improved communication skills, enhanced self-expression, and a greater sense of authenticity. A balanced Throat Chakra allows you to express yourself with clarity and authenticity, fostering healthier relationships and a deeper connection with your inner truth.

The Most Famous Blue Crystals

The most famous crystals with blue hue are Azurite, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Chalcedony, Celestite, Trolleite, Angelite, Blue Opal, Sodalite, Dumortierite, Blue Calcite, Kyanite, Larimar, Iolite, Apatite, Blue Lace Agate, etc.

In summary, blue crystals are calming allies for communication, serenity, and intuition. By activating the Throat Chakra, they promote clear expression and inner wisdom. Incorporate the tranquil energy of blue crystals into your daily life to experience their transformative and enlightening effects.

5.2.6. Purple crystals: Symbols of Spirituality and Transformation

Purple crystals, with their captivating and mystical energy, are used on a large scale all over the world.

Spiritual Insight and Intuition

Purple crystals are celebrated for their ability to enhance spiritual insight and intuition. They open the third eye and crown chakras, allowing you to connect with higher realms of consciousness. Meditating with a purple crystal can lead to profound spiritual experiences and heightened intuition.

Transformation and Healing

These crystals are often associated with transformation and healing. They assist in releasing old patterns, purifying the mind, and promoting emotional and spiritual growth. Purple crystals can be valuable companions during times of transition and inner exploration.

Purple crystals are famed for their ability to balance physical, psychic and spiritual energies. Purple crystals aid us in establishing a connection with our mystical aspects and improves our spiritual intuition.

Calmness and Stress Reduction

Purple crystals exude a calming and soothing energy. They help alleviate stress, anxiety, and restlessness, creating a sense of inner peace. Placing a purple crystal by your bedside or in your meditation space can enhance relaxation and improve sleep quality.

Wisdom and Inner Awakening

Purple crystals are known for their connection to wisdom and inner awakening. They encourage self-reflection, introspection, and a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries. Working with purple crystals can lead to a profound sense of inner wisdom and personal growth.

The Activated Chakra

Purple crystals primarily activate the Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. Located at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra connects us to divine wisdom, universal consciousness, and enlightenment.

By working with purple crystals, you stimulate and balance the Crown Chakra. This results in expanded spiritual awareness, enhanced intuition, and a deeper connection to the higher self. A balanced Crown Chakra allows you to access higher states of consciousness and experience a profound sense of unity with the universe.

The Most Famous Purple Crystals

The most famous crystals with purple hue are Amethyst. Purpurite, Lepidolite, Stichtite, Phosphosiderite, Grape Agate, Suglite, Charoite, Kunzite, Tiffany Stone, Kammererite, Spirit Quartz, etc.

In summary, purple crystals are mystical allies for spiritual insight, transformation, and inner wisdom. By activating the Crown Chakra, they promote spiritual growth and a deeper connection to the higher realms of consciousness. Incorporate the enchanting energy of purple crystals into your daily life to experience their transformative and enlightening effects.

5.2.7. White Crystals: Symbols of Purity and Clarity

White crystals, with their pure and radiant energy, symbolize a sense of clarity and spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Purity and Cleansing

White crystals are frequently renowned for their potent and comprehensive purifying capabilities, making them the ultimate choice for inner purification and cleansing. They have the potential to magnify our energies and endeavors, rendering them influential healers.They serve as energetic “blank slates” and are commonly used to clear negative energies from people, places, and other crystals.

Placing a white crystal in your space can create an atmosphere of purity and spiritual clarity.

Amplification of Intentions

These crystals are excellent amplifiers of intentions and energies. They can magnify the effects of other crystals and serve as powerful tools for manifestation and meditation. When used in meditation or intention-setting practices, white crystals can help you achieve your spiritual goals with greater clarity.

Spiritual Enlightenment and Connection

White crystals are often associated with spiritual enlightenment and divine connection. They open the Crown Chakra, facilitating a deeper connection to the spiritual realms and higher states of consciousness. Meditating with a white crystal can lead to profound spiritual experiences and insights.

Mental Clarity and Focus

White crystals exude a pure and clear energy that can enhance mental clarity and focus. They assist in quieting the mind, reducing mental chatter, and promoting a sense of inner peace. Using a white crystal as a focus point in your meditation practice can improve concentration and mental stillness.

White Crystal
The Activated Chakra

White crystals primarily activate the Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. Located at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra connects us to higher states of consciousness, divine wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.

By working with white crystals, you stimulate and balance the Crown Chakra. This results in expanded spiritual awareness, enhanced connection to the higher self, and a deeper sense of inner peace. A balanced Crown Chakra allows you to access the spiritual realms and experience a profound sense of unity with the universe.

The Most Famous White Crystals

The most famous white crystals are Diamond, Quartz, Optical Calcite, Apophyllite, Dentritic Agate, Rainbow Moonstone, Aragonite, Scolecite, Dolomite, White Aventurine, Albite, Barite, Selenite, Damburite, etc.

In summary, white crystals are pure and powerful allies for spiritual purity, clarity, and enlightenment. By activating the Crown Chakra, they promote a deeper connection to the divine and enhance mental clarity. Incorporate the pristine energy of white crystals into your spiritual practice to experience their transformative and enlightening effects.

5.2.8. Pink Crystal: Symbols of Love and Healing

Pink crystals are a delightful and enchanting category of gemstones known for their gentle, loving energies and vibrant hues.

Love and Emotional Healing

Pink crystals are widely cherished for their association with love and emotional healing. They are often used to mend a broken heart, nurture self-love, and foster feelings of compassion and empathy. Placing a pink crystal near your heart or carrying one with you can create an aura of emotional comfort and serenity.

Relationship Enhancement

In relationships, pink crystals can play a pivotal role in enhancing love and harmony. They encourage open communication, deepen the connection between partners, and promote understanding. Many people gift pink crystals as tokens of affection or use them to rekindle the romantic spark in their relationships.

Stress Reduction

Pink crystals are also renowned for their calming properties. They help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension, creating a sense of peace and tranquility. Placing them in your living space or wearing them as jewelry can have a soothing effect on your overall well-being.

Inner Healing and Self-Discovery

Beyond matters of the heart, pink crystals are valuable tools for inner healing and self-discovery. They can aid in releasing past traumas, encouraging forgiveness, and helping you embrace self-acceptance. Meditating with pink crystals can lead to profound moments of self-awareness and personal growth.

Pink Crystal
The Activated Chakra

Pink crystals primarily activate the Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata in Sanskrit. This chakra is located at the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. When the Heart Chakra is in harmony, you experience love and connection, not only with others but also with yourself.

Pink crystals infuse the Heart Chakra with their gentle energies, promoting a sense of unity, forgiveness, and emotional healing. They facilitate the release of emotional baggage and blockages, allowing you to open your heart to love and experience a profound sense of well-being.

The Most Famous Pink Crystals

The most famous crystals with pink hue are Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Pink Opal, Morganite, Pink Tourmaline, Pink Calcite, Kunzite, Pink Agate, Pink Aventurine, Pink Danburite, Pink Chalcedony, Pink Jasper, Pink Fluorite.

5.2.9. Black Crystals: Symbols of Grounding and Resilience

Black crystals are some of the most valued stones for their special qualities.

Protection and Grounding

Black crystals are renowned for their protective qualities. They create a shield of energy around the wearer, guarding against negative influences, psychic attacks, and energy vampires. Carrying or wearing black crystals can instill a sense of security and grounding, making them invaluable in energy work and meditation.

Transformation and Letting Go

Black crystals are often associated with transformation and the release of old patterns. They help in letting go of past traumas, negative thought patterns, and emotional baggage. Meditating with black crystals can facilitate profound inner healing and personal growth, allowing you to move forward with clarity and purpose.

Absorbing Negative Energy

One of the remarkable qualities of black crystals is their ability to absorb negative energy. They act as energetic sponges, soaking up and transmuting harmful vibrations. This makes them ideal for cleansing and purifying spaces, objects, and even other crystals. Placing black crystals in your environment can help maintain a harmonious and energetically clean atmosphere.

Enhancing Psychic Abilities

Some black crystals enhances psychic abilities and intuition. They provide a clear channel for receiving intuitive insights and guidance, making them valuable tools for those on a spiritual journey.

Black Crystal
The Activated Chakra

Black crystals predominantly activate the Root Chakra, also known as the Base Chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit. Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with feelings of safety, security, and grounding.

By working with black crystals, you stimulate and balance the Root Chakra. This helps you establish a strong foundation in your life, both energetically and emotionally. A balanced Root Chakra provides a sense of stability, confidence, and resilience, enabling you to tackle life’s challenges with a solid footing.

The Most Famous Black Crystals

The most famous black crystals are Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Shungite, Hematite, Apache Tears, Smoky Quartz, Black Agate, Black Garnet, Black Moonstone, Black Spinel, Black Jasper, etc.

In summary, black crystals are powerful allies for protection, grounding, transformation, and energetic cleansing. By activating the Root Chakra, they provide a sense of security and stability, helping you navigate life’s journey with confidence and resilience. Incorporate the enigmatic beauty of black crystals into your spiritual practice to experience their profound and transformative effects.

5.3 Intuitive Crystal Selection Methods

According to ancient esoteric knowledge, it is not we who select the crystal, but rather, the crystal selects us.

This represents the most straightforward and potent approach to choosing your crystals, as it entails being guided by a combination of your subconscious intuition and the inherent nature of the crystals.

The Method of Invoking the Presence of the Crystal

The Method of Invoking the Presence of the Crystal involves the following steps:

– A positive mental attitude is adopted, of openness and receptivity, eliminating negative thoughts,

– Enter a state of reverie as you gradually let go of reason and preconceived notions,

– Set the intention and mentally send out the objective you want to achieve with the help of the crystal you are going to choose,

– Request from the Universe the crystal that will serve your highest benefit. Maintain an open and welcoming attitude toward any crystal that crosses your path.

– Choose the crystal/crystals that attract you the most in everything (color, shape, texture, sparkle, energy, etc.).

The Method of Scanning Crystals with the Eye

The method of scanning crystals with the eye involves the following steps:

– The first 3 steps are the same as those from the previous method.

– Glance over the crystals as you observe if any evoke a pleasant reaction or attract you irresistibly in any way,

–  Select the crystal or crystals that captivate you the most in every aspect, including color, form, texture, radiance, energy, and more.

The Method of Passing the Hand over the Crystals

The method of passing the hand over the crystals involves the following steps:

– The first 3 steps are the same as those from the previous method.

– Using your non-dominant hand, glide it gently over the crystals, remaining attentive to detect any subtle sensation of being drawn toward a particular stone.

– Select the crystal or crystals that captivate you the most in all aspects, including color, form, texture, shine, energy, and more.

The Method of Choosing the Crystal with the Pendulum

The method of choosing the crystal with the pendulum involves the following steps:

– The first 3 steps are the same as those from the previous method.

– Treceti incet pendulul pe deasupra cristalelor la o inaltime de 4-5 inches in timp ce observati orice schimbare de miscare a pendulului.

– Choose the crystal under the pendulum that caused the change in the movement of the pendulum and that exerts a special attraction on you.

How do you Know That the Crystal Chosen in This Way is The Right One?

When the crystal chosen in this way is the right one can sense its gentle energetic resonance, experiencing a sense of comfort and satisfaction, or you simply intuitively know that it is the right crystal.

6. Recognizing Natural vs. Treated Crystals

Not all crystals offered to those interested are 100% natural. We refer here in particular to those subjected to treatments to make the stones more visually appealing or to mimic the appearance of rarer and more valuable gemstones.

Common methods for artificially coloring stones include heating, irradiation, coating, dyeing and Oil and Resin Infusion.

These processes can result in vibrant and attractive colors but may also affect the stone’s energy, authenticity, and overall value. It’s important for consumers to be aware of the artificial coloring of stones and its potential implications when making purchasing decisions.

6.1. Heat Treatment

Heating crystals can intensify their color or clarity. This method is often applied to gems like amethyst, citrine, and topaz.

6.2. Irradiation

Irradiation is a technological method that involves exposing crystals to radiation to eliminate flaws and imperfections in gemstones, particularly in the case of diamonds, emerald, topaz, and aquamarine.

Subjecting a crystal to irradiation leads to the accumulation of energy within its structure, resulting in alterations to its optical characteristics, often noticeable as a shift in color.

For example, irradiation can transform pale blue topaz into vibrant Swiss blue topaz.

6.3. Coating

Some crystals are coated with a thin layer of metal oxide to enhance their luster or create iridescence. This treatment is commonly used on quartz crystals.

6.4. Dyeing

Dyeing is a method where crystals are injected with colored solutions to change or enhance their hue. This treatment is frequently applied to enhance the color of agate and other translucent stones.

6.5. Oil and Resin Infusion

Oiling or infusing crystals with resin can fill surface fractures and enhance their clarity. Emeralds are often treated this way.

6.6. The Drawbacks of Artificially Colored Crystals


Artificially colored stones not represents the true nature of the stones. They can mislead buyers about a stone’s natural properties.

Energy and Healing

Natural stones have unique energies. Artificial coloration can potentially alter these energies, affecting their metaphysical and healing properties.

Aesthetic Changes

Over time, artificial coloring may fade or change, leading to a diminished appearance and value of the stone.


Authenticity and natural beauty are highly valued in the stone community. Artificially colored crystals may not hold the same collectible value.

6.7. 5 Reasons to Steer Clear of Irradiated Stones

Energy Alteration

Irradiation can change the stone’s natural energy and vibrational frequencies, potentially diminishing their effectiveness for healing or metaphysical purposes.

Health Concerns

Some irradiation methods involve exposure to radiation, which may leave residual radioactive traces on the stone’s surface, posing health risks to those handling them.

Lack of Transparency

The irradiation process often lacks transparency and proper disclosure. This can lead to consumers unknowingly purchasing altered stones, thinking they are in their natural state.

Ethical Considerations

Many crystal enthusiasts prefer to work with natural stones that have not undergone artificial treatments, as it aligns with their ethical and spiritual beliefs.


Authenticity and natural beauty are highly valued in the crystal community. Irradiated stones may be seen as less genuine or valuable.

In summary, avoiding irradiated stones helps maintain their natural energies, ensures personal safety, and aligns with ethical and authenticity considerations within the crystal community.

7 Conclusion

Remember that choosing the right crystal is not just a matter of aesthetics but a profound connection between you and these extraordinary gems. Whether you’re seeking love, peace, healing, or higher consciousness, the crystals you choose can serve as invaluable allies on your path.

As you embark on your crystal adventure, trust your intuition, educate yourself about the unique properties of each crystal, and always seek authenticity in your selections. With each crystal you embrace, you open the door to a world of transformation, empowerment, and the limitless potential of these gifts from the Earth.